
I have been looking at turning the heel of socks as a way of creating curved parts of birds ...the heads in particular. i have been talking to a local lady about the fleeces of sheep being sent off to the spinners and in return they got hanks of wool. This was then knitted into fishermans jumpers and socks.

Heel Flap: 1st row (WS facing): *P1, slip 1; rep from *. End p2. 2nd row: K to end Rep rows 1 and 2 for 2½" (2¾" for men). Heel: 1st row: Slip 1, K 12, K2tog, turn 2nd row: Slip 1, P 7, P2tog, turn 3rd row: Slip 1, K 7, K2tog, turn Rep rows 2 and 3 until there are 8 sts on needle; last row Slip 1, K 6, K2tog

1 comment:

Nicole said...

i like to knit, but i can only do blankets. lol. check out my blog: www.wahaooiee.blogspot.com